Friday, February 1, 2008

Painting Problem

Painting Problem
Painting is the action or process of painting. Painting is the artistic one of kind. It is has been growing with every time.Since the past until the present. In the each time has difference. In the past time, painting was writed on wall then painting was writed on paper and the persent it was write on body therefore has problem together. Charge that the artwork was malicious and damaged the Buddhist religion ultimately led to questions about artistic expression and how free artistic are to stay true to their vision.
For Painting Problem in Thailand has many problem.
Threat and Confusion, the protesters claimed that the painting was make with ill intent and was a threat to people’s faith. Silpakorn University offial were quick to respond, asking religious academic, anthropologists,respected monks ansd other expert to voice their the university and the judging panel agreed to keep Anupong’s
Painting in the exhibition “To be honest, I was confused. I don’t understand how it happened” Anupong said.
Visions of Hell,During his training in Thai art at Silpakorn, Anupong became familiar with Buddhist art, particularly murals portraying scenes from heaven and hell. He was particularly drawn toward these images because they correspond to what he was taught in his rural upbring about life after death one can become an evil spirit as a result of bad karma.
Controversial but calm, Ti is not surprising that the painting of fended some Buddhists. Some claim that because the monkhood instead of its many good aspect, the painting was created to insult the religion.
For this problem. I belive that the way an artist reflects on faith and religion in their work can change from one period to another, depending on what they experience and what affect their mind.
It is to warn people,who are doing bad thing of what they will become bad remind other Buddhist that evil people really exist.
It is good in tent and honest artistic expression that have enabled.
Painting Problem have the good way out. So,every body should to helps to maintain artistic. Painting is art one twig. It is beautiful. I like art too.

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