Monday, November 19, 2007

what i thaink about internet

Internet is the center of information,new knowledge and entertaunment etc. Internet have advantage and dis advantage and also useful and useless. Internet can connect or link in around the world. You only have computer telephone and shuttle for link with internet,then you can play internet. When you already connected with internet.Then you can click the website for do anything that you want.For example, see movies,listen to music,download mu sic,read news,search information, or you can chat program is MSN,you only have e-mai of hotmail and you have e-mail address of other person.If you have webcam.You can see others face but it have also many disadvantage.For example,game online.Which is not good for children and other website which is not suitable for teenager.
Those who are learning a new language need ways to exercise the hearing and comprehension of speech, and if they don't actually live in a country or area where the language is spoken, these sources are in short supply. For the absolute beginner, there are audio recordings with which we can follow along and practice our understanding of speech, stopping and starting them to catch phrases that eluded us or focus in on nuances of pronunciation. But for those further along, what is needed is something more like an actual conversation - speech taking place in real time that is continually new, that conveys information that we are interested in. Fortunately, with the advent of the internet, there are now many foreign online television stations, and so we have provided a listing of online TV streams featuring television shows, television news, and music TV in the native language to practice your understanding of foreign languages.
online safety way

-I will not give out personal information such as my address, telephone number, parents’ work address/telephone number, or the name and location of my school without my parents’ permission.
-I will tell my parents right away if I come across any information that makes me feel uncomfortable.
-I will never agree to get together with someone I "meet" online without first checking with my parents. If my parents agree to the meeting, I will be sure that it is in a public place and bring my mother or father along.
-I will never send a person my picture or anything else without first checking with my parents.
-I will not respond to any messages that are mean or in any way make me feel uncomfortable. It is not my fault if I get a message like that. If I do I will tell my parents right away so that they can contact the service provider.
-I will talk with my parents so that we can set up rules for going online. We will decide upon the time of day that I can be online, the length of time I can be online and appropriate areas for me to visit. I will not access other areas or break these rules without their permission.
-I will not give out my Internet password to anyone (even my best friends) other than my parents.
-I will check with my parents before downloading or installing software or doing anything that could possibly hurt our computer or jeopardize my family’s privacy
-I will be a good online citizen and not do anything that hurts other people or is against the law.
-I will help my parents understand how to have fun and learn things online and teach them things about the Internet, computers and other technology.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Having boyfriend/girlfriend while begin study good or bad

Having boyfriend/girlfriend while begin study good or bad
When we are begin to be teenager who will interested in opposite sex or somebody maybe interested in same sex. They will star with love,start whith somebody come to love then we are boyfriend,and girlfriend. It is normal that teenager have a boyfriend or girlfriend. Teenager is the age which have to study if they will having boyfriend or girlfriend is not wrong but they sould having boyfriend or girlfriend,having love the right way, suitable with age.Having boyfriend and girldfriend. For consult when we have a problem we can support or cheer of each others.They shoud not living togrter or do something which is over to be a teenager. But somebody already have boyfriebd or girlfriend will make studying was poor or low G.P.A. because of they more interested in boyfriend. In my opinion, I think that it have advantage and disadvantage of having boyfriend or girlfriend. Advantage are support or cheer of each other, are friend to understand us are friend.When we got lonely,sometime make us happy.But it have also a lot of disadvantage are sometime we more interested in boyfriend or girlfriend until for got that the person who is the one that we must love not only boyfriend or girlfriend but we have parent, friend. When we brokenc heart it will make us unhappy. So, I think that it have both advantage and disadvantage

Friday, November 2, 2007

What you did last weekend

For my last weekend, I went med my close friend. We like went to The mall Bangkapi and went to J.J. market for shopping and relax. In sometime we like went to watch movie and like ate Donut.
I thing that time for last weekend could made me felt so happy and I like it. I don’t like study hard and I live alone in The dormitory near my University. Some time I do anything by myself. So,I feel very alone. I want friend,who can understand me. When I have problerm and can go wich me in everywhere.
So,until last weekend. I want somebody,who can make me happy and don’t feel alone and my friend can make.
For this last weekend, In this Sunday. I went to J.J. market for met my friends then we went to shopping. I bought shirt,necklace,ring,watch,nightdress,scarf and dolls. Then we went to ate and told about past time and life. My friends study at Rungsit University 2 people,Sreenakarin University 1 people and Radkabang University 1 people. We stayed at J.J. market 5 hour.Then I went black home alone by underground I went to Praram 9 station then I went by Taxi.
For this last weekend, In this Saturday. I got up about 11 o’clock in the morning. Then I take a bath and I put on my uniform. Then I ate breakfast. Then I play internet and I sent e-mail to my sister. She lived at America. She study at here. Then I made my hi5 and gave comment to friends at hi5. Then I play BnB game.BnB game is game online. It is my favorite game. I play game until I felt borring. Then I listen to music. I listen to Nothing’g gonna change my love, Way black in to love and Can’t fight the moon light music. Then about 4 a.m. I went to Big C Ramkamhang for bought power, shampoo,conditioner,milk, noodle,egg and brush.Then I went to black home.