Sunday, November 11, 2007

Having boyfriend/girlfriend while begin study good or bad

Having boyfriend/girlfriend while begin study good or bad
When we are begin to be teenager who will interested in opposite sex or somebody maybe interested in same sex. They will star with love,start whith somebody come to love then we are boyfriend,and girlfriend. It is normal that teenager have a boyfriend or girlfriend. Teenager is the age which have to study if they will having boyfriend or girlfriend is not wrong but they sould having boyfriend or girlfriend,having love the right way, suitable with age.Having boyfriend and girldfriend. For consult when we have a problem we can support or cheer of each others.They shoud not living togrter or do something which is over to be a teenager. But somebody already have boyfriebd or girlfriend will make studying was poor or low G.P.A. because of they more interested in boyfriend. In my opinion, I think that it have advantage and disadvantage of having boyfriend or girlfriend. Advantage are support or cheer of each other, are friend to understand us are friend.When we got lonely,sometime make us happy.But it have also a lot of disadvantage are sometime we more interested in boyfriend or girlfriend until for got that the person who is the one that we must love not only boyfriend or girlfriend but we have parent, friend. When we brokenc heart it will make us unhappy. So, I think that it have both advantage and disadvantage

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