Friday, December 14, 2007

A stray dog

A stray dog
There's a stray dog that lives on my soi that I'm worried about.This dog is
clearly very old. His hair is thin, he has grey around his muzzle and he hobbles around, favouring one of his rear legs.
Until recently on soi, there was one of those little mom and pop
Restaurant/convenience stores that you see all over Bangkok. I used to stop in to buy ice and drinks on my way home,and that old dog would always be there, lounging on the floor or waiting expectantly for something to be dropped by one of the diners who
Frequented the place. The kindly owners had given the dog a name and obviously kept him fed and in good shape.
But a few months ago,the little store closed down. The owners headed back to their home in the provinces,forcing me to find my ice and drinks elsewhere and leaving that old dog to his own devices.
While it was simple for me to find an alternate supplier for my beverage needs,it wasn’t as easy for my beverage needs, it wasn’t as easy for that dog to find new benefactors.His coat seems more sparse and rib are now protruding ominously.
There are people on the soi eho provide the five or six local strays with a steady diet of rice, but it seems that with the departure of the local shopkeepers, the old dog lost whatever it was that kept him going.
I’ve always been a “soft touch”as my mother puts it,so I worry about that dog.Now to some people, being a soft thouch is a sign of weakness.But to me,it means being able to empathise with another creature’s plight.
The sad fact of the matter is that dog could be me , could be any one of us for that matter. Imagine going along the same way that you aways have comfortable,happy and well fed. When all of a sudden, Bam Your whole world is turned upside down throught no fault of your own.Some people can recover from that kind of upheaval,and some just can’t. It’s a fact of life that happens to all of us at one time or another.
I guess I just hope that when my metaphorical shopkeepers eventually pull up stakes, I’ll be able to find a way to sodier on without my coat getting thin and my bones protruding

1 comment:

Jasper said...

Has this one been written by yourself? I strongly doubt it.